By Gene Hult

Start with a turgid red candle
from a wiccan enchantment store.
Take it home and hold and fondle,
stroke its waxy length and adore
its girth, trace the tapered spindle,
deciding where runes should be scored.
Concentrate on him, his fine hair,
his eyes, shoulders, comfy glamour,
pendulous testicles, shrewd stare,
kindness, nose, odd common humor,
job prospects, taut wit, underwear,
his shy smile, and proper grammar.
Heat a pushpin, a sharp stylus,
and carve his glyphs into the candle's
flesh, your symbols on the bias.
Connect with concentric circles,
furrow the wax with desirous
summons ciphers and triangles.
Anoint the carved cierge with a film
of spit, your sexual spirits
gathered concentrating on him,
stroke semen along the carets
until it limns the troughs of whim,
until it ceases adherence.
Light the wick with a safety match—
whip to extinguish, never blow.
Tilt the lit candle and dispatch
three drops of melting wax below
to a dish deep enough to catch
stalactitic drip overflow.
Cohere the base of the candle
to the receptacle. You still
thinking of him? Keep a handle
on visioning: focus your will
on his traits, manifest, wheedle
until the longing makes you ill.
Say your words of summoning; you
will know them: how to attract him
to you, how to cross paths. Imbue
your spell with sincere seraphim
who bless your coming rendezvous
with pheromones within your skin.
Place the candle in a remote,
solemn, and fireproof location,
float it in a watery moat.
Believe that the charm's causation
will be to arouse and promote
your imminent integration.
Leave it. Let the spell burn till it
gutters out. Don't check its progress,
allow the flame to solicit
captivation of your caress,
an enticement to elicit
his binding ardor to profess.

Gene Hult is an INFJ Scorpio dogfather with ADHD working as a writer, editor, college teacher, photographer, and publisher in Houston, TX, although originally a native New Yorker. He has written more than 125 books published for young readers, mostly under his children’s pseudonym J. E. Bright. His books of poetry from Brighten Press include Render, Catfish and After, and the forthcoming Ades Fidelis. Please visit, or follow Gene on Twitter and Instagram.