By Vanessa Maderer
Editor's Note: Due to the formatting of this poem, it is best viewed on a desktop browser.

I love to get tipsy off the moonshine
Dappling through emaciating treetops,
Soaking reddening leaves in silver light
Until they bronze, and it feels like
I could pluck from above these
Metal petals forged by gin-soaked starlight
So strong of fuel I constantly await
For fresh autumnal air to combust into
Iridescent galaxies, marking the solstice
With watercolour skies.
And so I hold constellations on my tongue,
Relishing the burn before I swallow them down
And let potent cosmos blur the rougher edges of my mind
Into moondrunk euphoria.

Vanessa Maderer was a young reader turned editor, writer, and finally enthusiastic poet who has recently debuted her first chapbook entitled, ‘Cusp of Dusk’ after a decade of revision. Now, she has an insatiable appetite for new ideas and themes, and can be found most easily through Twitter.