By Jagoda Olender
I was not angry that you lied
but rather I was scared to see
how easy it was for you
to look me in the eye and hide the truth
dangerously casual
not even a blink
well done, you.
I cried that night
silently, in my head
falling asleep
with cushions between us
those vast and horrid war trenches
I wanted to scream
please see me
but the cries echoed emptily in my mind
two people in love
two strangers staring into
their own confused souls
how am I supposed to know
which part of us
is the real one?
Jagoda Olender studied English and Medieval Literatures at the University of York in the UK. Her love for reading and writing poetry begun at the age of twelve when she was gifted a collection of Sylvia Plath's poems. Wherever she goes, Jagoda takes her notebook with her in order to scribble down observations on people and the world. She is currently working on her first novel. Apart from writing she also enjoys travelling, watching films and going on long countryside walks with her dog, Angus.