By Mari Cruz

Wyandotte, 1996
A town still trying to find its trick
Motown had a throw down in downtown
But at home we still made our nest
The frigid cold made her feel old
To go back to Texas was her final goal
As the years dragged on and family was gone
We finally faced our wars and won
2014 came, our monsters slained
While we maintained all we gained
My memory stained in what became…us
We had our choice, to move and rejoice
But ultimately we left one in Detroit
She grew her family, filled in amply
The hole we had to patch without a dad
Trust me, it wasn’t that bad
Mom and I made it down and we learned the town
The Alamo City is huge and twisted
We sit and say that we felt stupid
For splitting our family right down the middle
I always missed my sister, just a little
We loved, we lost, definitely paid a cost
How did we end up in the city of
“Live oaks and fine folks”
2019, my eyes they gleam
With a glow for a man who understands me
He’s cis and he’s straight, which I find great
Because in the end that’s what I strive to be
November comes, 4 days before my birthday
I embark in my journey to my second life change
In a city that is weird, I find myself reared in a bed with pain and joy
Now I got a toy that I employ to restore my future glory
2022, the years have fused, mom had a choice to choose
She moved back to mit, I threw a fit, but he insist
That we stay and live our lives here
Now he deals with this splendid ordeal of a discombobulated
Thought inducing
Stress reducing
Blizzard in the South
Mari Cruz
Age 26
From Detroit
Currently residing in San Antonio